autofiction • moving image
Yellow Cage
Experimental short film
2020 - 7’ 53” | Digital | Color + B&W | Sound
*Work available under request:
Excerpt from "Yellow Cage" (2020)
A woman is alone in a yellow cage.
Inspired by the emblematic feminist horror tale "The Yellow Wallpaper", written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, the film pays homage to Early Cinema through it’s vignette-like structure and uses oneiric imagery to explore the themes of feminism and mental health.
Yellow Cage is the first independent film made in collaboration with my partner Amanda Gatti. The starting point for the project was the emblematic feminist horror tale, "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman; whose frighteningly current themes inspired us to develop the project as a collective political stance on urgent and contemporary themes such as feminism and mental health.
As artists who were deeply inspired by the women in our lives, we wanted to create a film that honored their resilience in the face of the oppression they endured from birth to death.
Navigating the constraints of a self-imposed modest budget, we embraced an intimate and experimental approach to our creative process. Every aspect of filmmaking, save for sound-related roles, was executed by the two of us, both on set and out of it.
The outcome is a minimalist, postmodern piece that appropriates and resignifies an array of references to craft a hybridized and singular work that encapsulates our diverse skill sets as artists, spanning from performance to visual effects.